ISSN : 1000-9035
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Plagiarism Policy







Plagiarism is the false representation of another person's words, ideas, or expressions as one’s own original work. It occurs when an author uses someone else’s work whether text, data, figures, or concepts without proper acknowledgment or citation. This can happen with or without the original author’s permission, but in both cases, it is considered unethical and unacceptable in academic publishing.

In addition to traditional plagiarism, we also recognize self-plagiarism as a serious issue. Self-plagiarism occurs when an author reuses portions of their own previously published work without proper citation. This includes reusing text, figures, or data from past publications without clearly indicating that it has been published before. Submitting a manuscript with duplicated content from the author’s prior work without appropriate referencing is considered a violation of ethical publishing standards.

At the Journal of Molecular Science, we take plagiarism very seriously. All submitted manuscripts undergo plagiarism screening using reliable plagiarism detection software. If any form of plagiarism is detected, the submission may be rejected outright or sent back to the author for necessary corrections. If plagiarism is identified after publication, the article may be retracted, and the author’s future submissions may be affected.

Author Responsibilities

When submitting an article to Journal of Molecular Science, authors must ensure that:

  1. Their manuscript is free from any copied data, figures, or content from previously published research (including their own work).
  2. Proper citations and references are provided for any work, data, or concepts borrowed from other sources.
  3. If any previously published material is included (such as images, tables, or excerpts), permission should be obtained from the copyright holder.
  4. The work is original, ethically conducted, and unpublished elsewhere at the time of submission.
Plagiarism not only damages an author’s academic reputation but also undermines the integrity of scientific publishing. We encourage authors to uphold the highest standards of research ethics by submitting authentic, well-cited, and properly referenced work.

Journal Policies

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Plagiarism Policy
Peer Review Policy
Aim and Scope
Open Access Policy
Privacy Policy
Human and Animal Rights Policy
Reviewers Guidelines
Competing Interests
Correction and Retraction Policy
Article Withdrawal Policy

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